Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting Tired During Punchbag How Can I Stay Awake And Not Tired During The Day?

How can i stay awake and not tired during the day? - getting tired during punchbag

I am always in and out of tiredness during the day and things effects. How could I not be tired during the day to be in addition to feed a good rest and good food for me?


LindsayL... said...

1. Make sure you get enough sleep, but not much.
2. Do something to wake up in the morning, sprayed with cold water in his face.
3. Do you drink a little caffeine to wake up to, coffee, energy drinks, soda, whatever. Just be sure not to depend on them every morning.
4. If it helps at school or at work, at short naps during the day. Not even to sleep, to identify and close your eyes for 5 minutes has been shown to decrease very tired.
Good luck!

tiffany said...

Breathing exercises, yoga, breathing involved. You can use it anywhere. Basically breaths.

Sarge said...

They basically all said, what is there, with a healthy diet, 7 hours sleep at night and avoid alcohol. I like to occupy during the day and year to keep

kayyae said...

Caffeine and Exercise May Help U stay awake and movement as a means of travel in the morning or something

sam m said...

Well, I heard, he would slump to bed earlier than usual in May, which has the same effect of losing sleep, so slowly, before you say go to bed, and you know the saying go to bed early to rise, so before getting up at Sunrise, if you can not have the internal clock of the body chaotic.

chronic_... said...

Energy drinks help me, and maybe one day to be energy Takin women or 5 hours after the power of liquid energy has the support really well.

Angel said...

Whenever I'm tired and I must stay awake, listening to music. It helps a lot.

Skin911 said...

in the middle of the day, a few minutes NPA 10-20;
It is a powerful reinforcement of the energy
remain vigilant for the rest of the day. :-)

Nicole25... said...

Coffee is my best friend, but if you're seriously tired, you may have a medical problem like a monkey, or be so careful.

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